Robin A. Wright

Robin A. Wright is a passionate advocate for inclusive policy-making and equitable community development. As a Researcher and Facilitation Specialist, Robin works to expand our understanding of the ways in which unconscious cognitive forces influence our behavior and contribute to racial disparities in our society. She has facilitated sessions with dozens of institutions across the country including educators, police officials, court personnel, health care providers, social workers, corporate executives and more. Additionally, Robin is the co-author of the most recent editions of the State of the Science: Implicit Bias Review - a comprehensive review detailing the real-world implication of implicit racial bias.
Prior to joining the Kirwan Institute, Robin worked with non-profit grassroots organizations and policy institutes at all municipal levels for the expansion of opportunity, racial justice, and inclusive policy making. She attained her Master’s in Public Administration from the John Glenn College of Public Affairs at The Ohio State University as well as a B.A. in Pan-African Studies from Kent State University.


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